Code of Conduct

Dear Parent/Guardian:
Please make sure you READ and ACCEPT the code of conduct listed below before completing our application form.

Future Legend Bus Transit (FLBT) expects that every person using the our bus services will ensure that each bus trip is a safe and pleasant experience for all passengers and drivers. Every person using the bus will demonstrate a concern for safety and respect for their fellow passengers and the bus by observing the following rules and regulations on all regular routes and extra-curricular trips.

  1. Riders shall arrive at their designated stop a minimum of five minutes prior to the published time and line up and enter the bus in an orderly manner.
  2. Riders shall sit in the seats assigned by the driver and will cooperate with the driver in accommodating other students’ needs.
  3. Riders must remain seated and orderly at all times when the bus is in motion so the driver will not be distracted.
  4. Eating of lunches and snacks shall not be allowed. No litter shall be left on the bus by students.
  5. After disembarking, if riders need to cross the road to their designated stop, they shall do so three (3) meters in front of the stopped bus and only on the signal of the bus driver. Crossing the road behind the bus is dangerous and not permitted.
  6. Small band instruments, or other carry-on items may be taken on the bus provided the item:
    a. will fit on a student’s lap safely,
    b. not be above the seat in front,
    c. is properly housed or contained in an approved case/container,
    d. will not create unsafe conditions for other passengers.
    e. Skateboards must be contained in a bag pre-approved by the Transportation Coordinator.
  7. Smoking and the lighting of fires/matches is strictly prohibited.
  8. Disrespect, inappropriate behaviour and/or the use of profanity is prohibited.
  9. The consumption or transport of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, or any other illegal substances is prohibited.
  10. Students using the bus system less than three (3) days per week will NOT be guaranteed a seat.
  11. The transport coordinator may, upon written request from the parent, give a non-registered student permission to ride the bus on a one-time basis as a courtesy. Such requests are permitted but must adhere to existing bus routes and stops.
  12. All student riders are required to disembark at the school or their designated stop unless a parent, guardian, or School Administration/ Transport Coordinator gives prior written or personal approval to disembark at another approved stop.
  13. Students shall abide by the same code of behaviour as would be expected at their school. The School Principal/ School Administrator has the authority under the School Act to discipline any student who misbehaves while travelling on a bus both to and from school, which also includes bus stops.

NOTE: Each driver has complete authority over his/her bus. The FLBT Transportation Coordinator may suspend riding privileges or initiate other disciplinary measures.


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